2021 Canada International Art Competition

Congratulatory Letter
- Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

The Best Creativity Award

'Tree Houses'- Zhaoxin Yang, 6Y, China
'My Family'- Annie Ye, 14Y, Canada
'HOME'- Daniel Xiong, 10Y, Canada
'No Title'- Elin Yuan, 13Y, Canada
'HOME'- Eason Zuo, 10Y, Canada

The Best Techniques Award

'HOME'- Angela Liu, 8Y, Canada
'Art Design'- Ziwei Zhang, 24Y, China
'HOME'- Carson Xu, 9Y, Canada
'HOME'- Jocelyn He, 16Y, Canada
'Grandma's Nimble Fingers'- Tina Jin, 13Y, Canada

The Best Visual Effect Award

'Until death do us part'- Maggie Liao, 16Y, Canada
'My Family'- Lucy Huang, 12Y, Canada
'HOME'- Kamyi Lan, 14Y, Canada
'My House'- Cynthia Cao, 8Y, Canada
'My home, inside out'- Seonbeen Yoon, 14Y, Canada

Finalists of 2021 Canada International Art Competition


The theme of 2021 Canada International Art Competition is HOME


“Home is a house built by years
Home is warmth

Home is looking in through windows

Home is Sunday’s roast

Home is a poem full of rooms

Home is the return ticket

Home is its own cheap holiday

Home is a familiar noise

Home is the underground tunnel

Home is lights blazing

–By Andrew Hutton 


During the pandemic, people have stayed home more than ever before. We all start our life in a home, growing up,  leaving our sweet home for a new journey. Home is not just a place, it is a warm picture, with all your great memory and hope. 

Judging Panel

Antoine Abugaber
John Mantha
Vivian Tang
Veronica Kvasstskaia Tsyglan